Access Living will be closed for the holidays from 12/24 through 1/1/25. We will resume our regular hours of operation on 1/2/25. Happy New Year!

Advocacy News: August 15, 2022


August 15, 2022 | by Amber Smock

Advocacy News: Opportunities for Gun Violence Survivors and HCBS Focus Group

Access Living friends and allies,

Happy Friday! We’d like to give you a heads up about two upcoming opportunities.

Gun Violence Survivors Listening Sessions

On Wednesday, August 17, we will host another focus group to hear from people who have become disabled through gun violence. The purpose of the Victims of Gun/Firearm Violence project is to better understand the community of these survivors of firearm violence who have acquired a disability and determine what future role Access Living can play in meeting their community’s needs. We will be using the information you provide to help create a resource guide for other people who have similar experiences.

Session Details

Wednesday, August 17
5-7:00pm on Zoom
Register to attend this gun violence listening session

You can use video or call in to Zoom. Please RSVP. To RSVP, request an accommodation, or get more information, contact Candace Coleman at or (312) 640-2148.

Focus Group: Home and Community Based Services

The Shirley Ryan AbilityLab is doing research to understand what people think is important for good quality home and community-based services. For this research, we are talking to individuals who use home and community-based services. The Principal Investigator’s name is Dr. Allen Heinemann. The interview will take no more than 60 minutes. If you complete the interview, you will be given $25 for your time.

This flyer provides more information:HCBS RS Interview Flyer – Recipients 1.7.22 (1).docx. If you have further questions or would like to participate in this research study, please email Lindsay DuBois at or Niveda Tennety at You can also call them at 312-238-3042. The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) funds this study.

Please forward these opportunities to folks who might like to participate. Have a good weekend, and thank you for your advocacy.