Community Supports Team Staff Feature:
Roshaynae Hammond, Community Supports Team Manager

Roshaynae Hammond is Access Living’s Manager of Community Supports. She works on our service team and oversees the delivery of a variety of community supports and services for people with disabilities living in the community, including Access Living’s assistive technology program, our housing counseling program, the Personal Assistant (PA) training program, the financial literacy program, and Access Living’s Cross-Disability Support Group.
Access Living collaborates with other programs and agencies such as the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities and the Chicago Housing Authority to offer these services to our consumers.
Roshaynae has always enjoyed the many different ‘hats’ she gets to wear at work. She said one of the things she loves most about her team of coworkers is their diversity. “My team is as diverse as the services we provide consumers. We do great work because of the multiple perspectives we bring to the table.”
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Community Supports Team has been hard at work making sure that our consumers receive the services they need. One of the most significant needs that the department is working to fulfill currently is the need for Personal Assistants. Personal Assistants, also known as PAs, provide services that improve the independence and quality of life of people with disabilities, such as getting in and out of bed, showering, household tasks, and a multitude of other things. PAs are considered essential and necessary under the Shelter in Place order issued in Illinois and should be continuing to do their work without interruption.
The Division on Rehab Services is putting in place an emergency personal assistant back-up program that is going to be administered through the Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living. If you currently receive home services through the state and need an emergency PA due to COVID-19, you can call INCIL at 1-800-587-1227 for help. The hotline is active from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. seven days a week.
Despite how difficult this time is, Access Living is fortunate to have hard working people like Roshaynae and her team to help ensure that our community members receive the support they need.