Access Living will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on 1/20/25.

COVID-19 and Chicago Nursing Homes: Share Your Story


April 10, 2020 | by Jerome Palliser

Updates from Access Living: Advocacy Reminders, COVID-19 and Chicago Nursing Homes

Friday, April 10, 2020

Dear Access Living friends and allies,

Daily Quick Reminder: Congress continues to work on more COVID-19 funding and we need to remind our members of Congress about disability needs because #WeAreEssential. Use this easy email link to send your members of Congress an email. Remember that persistence is key.

Today’s Focus! COVID-19 and Chicago Nursing Homes: Share Your Story


Ryan McGraw

Community Organizer – Healthcare

(312) 640-2125

Do you or someone you know currently live in a Chicago nursing home, and have you…

  • Experienced barriers to care, communication and/or services since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic?
  • Experienced or observed others experiencing discrimination or violation of rights during your nursing home’s response to the Coronavirus?
  • Are you concerned about your safety or not satisfied with your nursing home’s response to the pandemic?

If so, Access Living would like to hear from you as soon as possible.

Please contact Ryan McGraw at and/or (773) 270-3406 and share your story. You can also fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

We are working hard at Access Living to document these stories so that we can lift up what people need. Please contact us as soon as possible. Your contribution will remain confidential unless you give us permission to disclose your identity.

In addition to sharing your story with Access Living, here are some resources for filing a formal complaint about the conditions in a nursing home: Illinois Legal Aid provides recommended resources at this link. Additionally, Equip for Equality, the Illinois State Ombudsman, and many of the other resources listed are currently open and operating by phone or email.

Interested in advocating about this issue? Use and follow the hashtag #WeAreEssential on Twitter. Here is a link to a Google Drive with tools for you to use. Share your story and/or the story of your loved ones and encourage others to do the same.

In solidarity,

  • Ryan McGraw
  • Healthcare & HCBS Community Organizer
  • Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago
  • (773) 270-3406

COVID-19 and Chicago Nursing Homes Contact Form

This form is closed for submissions.