Policy Positions & Legal Cases

Policy Positions & Legal Cases

Access Living Issues Public Comment: “Increased law enforcement is not a cure-all.”


On Wednesday, September 15, 2021, Access Living Transportation Policy Analyst Laura Saltzman, spoke on behalf of the Transportation Equity Network...

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Policy Positions & Legal Cases

Statement Regarding Reached Agreement with University of Illinois Health


The University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System (UI Health) and Dr. Angel Miles amicably worked together in a...

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Policy Positions & Legal Cases

Federal ASAP Act of 2021: Funding Accessibility in Public Transportation


Access Living friends and allies: This week, we're excited to share that a new bill about improving public transportation accessibility...

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Policy Positions & Legal Cases

Senators Duckworth, Brown, and Casey Introduce Legislation to Make Public Transit More Accessible


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 18, 2021 [WASHINGTON, D.C.] – U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), along with U.S. Senate Committee on...

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Policy Positions & Legal Cases

Support SB 1975: Disability Homestead Exemption Amendment


Sen. Laura Fine - Dale Fowler - Melinda Bush, Brian W. Stewart, Dan McConchie, Terri Bryant, Julie A. Morrison, Cristina...

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Policy Positions & Legal Cases

Updates on Our Current Work on Illinois State Disability Bills


Today, we'd like to update you on the status of several important disability-related bills in the Illinois legislature. Each year...

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Policy Positions & Legal Cases

Access Living Joins 23 Organizations in Push for Investment in Public Transportation


Access Living has joined 23 other area organizations to deliver a letter to the Illinois Congressional delegation to push for...

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Policy Positions & Legal Cases

Highlights: Our Current Work on Illinois State Bills


Access Living friends and allies, Here in Illinois, it is a very busy time for state policy advocacy. Our state...

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Policy Positions & Legal Cases

Challenges and Opportunities in Quality Affordable Health Care Coverage for People with Disabilities


Editor's Note: Dr. Angel Love Miles is a healthcare policy analyst at Access Living. She authored this article for Protect...

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Policy Positions & Legal Cases

End Use of Federal Funding for Police in Schools


Access Living along with nearly 100 student-led and community-led civil rights, education, and disability rights organizations have signed onto a...

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