URGENT ILLINOIS ACTION ALERT! HSP Spouse Exception, Hearing Aid Insurance, Legislative Accessibility Act
02.08.22Thank you to all the great folks who took action with us last week. We have an important update. Due to...
Illinois Action Alert! HSP Spouse Exception, Hearing Aid Insurance, Legislative Accessibility Act
01.31.22Here in Illinois, we are now swinging into a busy period with our state legislature. We've been compiling and reviewing bills...
Action Alert: Support the Illinois Legislative Accessibility Act
01.12.22Access Living friends and allies, The opportunity to engage directly with your elected officials is one of the most important...
Updates on Our Current Work on Illinois State Disability Bills
04.26.21Today, we'd like to update you on the status of several important disability-related bills in the Illinois legislature. Each year...
Illinois Action Alert: Support the Illinois Legislative Accessibility Act
04.05.21Access Living friends and allies: Today, we'd like your help to ask our Illinois legislators to pass the Illinois Legislative...
Action Alert: Support the Illinois Legislative Accessibility Act
03.09.21Today, we'd like your help to ask our Illinois legislators to pass the Illinois Legislative Accessibility Act. Right now, public...