Action Alert: Illinois Housing Advocacy Needed
04.06.22Access Living friends and allies, We're continuing to work hard to advance housing opportunities with the Illinois legislature. HB 2775, the...
More Illinois Disability Advocacy Action Opportunities
04.05.22Access Living friends and allies, Following on our earlier email on accessible voting in Illinois, we'd like to share several...
Advocacy Alerts and Updates: Final Week of IL Spring Legislative Session
04.05.22Access Living friends and allies, This week is the final week of the Illinois state legislature's spring session, and a...
(Virtual) Webinar Series, April 2022: Voices of Reentry
04.04.22Este mensaje es bilingüe. Desplácese hacia abajo para la versión en español. Join Access Living for a three-part series featuring...
Urgent Illinois Action Alert: Witness Slips in Favor of HB 2775
03.30.22[Take immediate action: Use this link to file a witness slip as a proponent of HB 2775] The bill to...
Public Comment Opportunity: Give Input on IL Client Assistance Program
03.24.22This month, the public has the opportunity to send input to the State of Illinois regarding the Client Assistance Program (CAP). The purpose...
Action Alerts: Week of March 23
03.23.22Access Living friends and allies, It's a super busy advocacy week! Below, we have a few ways you can help...
Illinois Action Alert: End Source of Income Housing Discrimination
03.22.22Access Living friends and allies, We'd like to share an urgent Illinois action alert on HB 2775. HB 2775 will make...
Illinois Action Alert: Support the Legislative Accessibility Act (SB 180)
03.22.22Access Living friends and allies, Tomorrow (3/23) at 10 am Central, the Legislative Accessibility Act (SB 180) is expected to...
Urgent Action Alert: Support Immigrants with Disabilities
03.16.22Access Living friends and allies, Today, we call on your help to advocate for immigrants with disabilities in Illinois. Our state...