Yosef Moore

Head shot of Yosef Moore

In June 2024, Yosef Moore joined Access Living as the Diversion and Reentry Policy Analyst. In his role, Yosef works to identify and advocate for best practices that divert people with disabilities away from institutions and other carceral settings. Similarly, Yosef focuses on supporting people with disability with successful reentry practices such as enhancing and expanding systems of care.

Before joining Access Living, Yosef was an apprentice in Restore Justice Foundation’s Future Leaders Apprentice Program (FLAP). As an apprentice, Yosef advocated for Illinois to limit the use solitary confinement by adopting the Nelson Mandela Rule which would prohibit placing someone in solitary confinement for over 15 consecutive days. In conjunction with being a Future Leaders Apprentice, Yosef was also an Illinois Prison Project (IPP) Ambassador. IPP’s values mirror his own. Yosef also believes that no one is their worst act, that everybody is redeemable, and that everyone’s voice matters. Yosef uses his voice and lived-experience to engage the legislative process to alleviate the specific harms that people with disability experience before, during, and after their encounter with the criminal legal system.

Yosef takes pride in mentoring underserved youth and in helping them realize their potential. He also enjoys live poetry and reading.