Advocacy News: Disability, Law Enforcement and Incarceration, New Papers and Opportunities
07.13.22Access Living friends and allies, Today, we'd like to share about an important event and some new papers about the...
Advocacy News: Disability Pride Parade; Illinois Immigrant Healthcare; Ambulance Emergency Services in Chicago
07.12.22Access Living friends and allies, Today, we'd like to share about some great upcoming events: the 2022 Chicago Disability Pride...
New Leadership Opportunities for Formerly Incarcerated People with Disabilities
07.05.22Today, we are pleased to announce two new leadership opportunities for people with disabilities who have been incarcerated. Across the...
Big News for Language Access for Parents of Chicago Students with Disabilities
06.30.22Access Living friends and allies, This week, we have exciting news for families of students with disabilities. The announcement below...
Disability Voting Rights and the June 28 Illinois Primary!
06.27.22Access Living friends and allies, For this election, you are voting for the top candidate in your registered party only....
Advocacy Alert: DREDF Statement On Supreme Court Ruling Overturning Right to Abortion
06.24.22The Supreme Court today overturned the right to abortion. A statement just released from the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF),...
Help Raise the Qualifying Age for ABLE Accounts for People with Disabilities
06.21.22Access Living friends and allies, This week, there's a lot happening to fight for economic justice for people with disabilities....
Illinois Advocates: Help Tell Equip for Equality What Matters to You
06.17.22Access Living friends and allies, Today we'd like to share an important advocacy opportunity for Illinois disability advocates. As many of...
CESSA Regional Committee Opportunity and Accessible Juneteenth
06.09.22Access Living friends and allies, Today, we'd like to highlight two great opportunities, one for CESSA and one for Juneteenth!...
Accessible Vote-By-Mail System Launched in Illinois
06.02.22Access Living friends and allies, We are pleased to share the below announcement on accessible vote-by-mail for the Illinois primary...