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Transporting Everything We Need: A Town Hall on Emergency Services (Virtual)
June 2, 2022 @ 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Join Access Living for a virtual Town Hall meeting on emergency transportation on Thursday, June 2nd from 5:30 PM-7 PM. Often when people with disabilities or seniors are picked up by an ambulance, they are not able to bring their mobility, medical, communication, or other devices with them. Not having these devices with them at the hospital may cause a serious issue for the person who may relay on this device(s) in their everyday life.
There will be a panel of people with disabilities that have been directly impacted by not being able to bring their device(s) to the hospital, while being transported in the ambulance, who will share their stories.
Please register for the town hall meeting here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rd-ihrzgtE9y2GM4wbdADQT0IqTb6vFQQ
ASL and Spanish interpreters as well as CART transcription will be provided during the Town Hall.
If you need additional information or have question about this event please contact Ryan McGraw.