Innovative art by and for people with disabilities
Access Living’s Arts & Culture Project promotes innovative art, supports new and established artists with disabilities, develops new audiences, and increases public access to disability arts and culture.
Arts & Culture Events at Access Living
Access Living hosts a series arts and culture events throughout the year with the support of community partners and disabled artists. Events include:
- Lectures
- Poetry readings
- Musical and dance performances
- Discussions
- Hands-on workshops in writing, dance, performing, and more
Take a look at our calendar for details on our latest arts & culture events.

Access Living’s Permanent Art Collection

Access Living has a permanent art collection featuring work that captures aspects of the disability experience. Displayed on the walls of our building, the majority of the collection showcases pieces created by artists with disabilities from all over the country.
For example, the painting pictured on the right is from disabled artist Katie Dallam.
Dallam’s experience is considered to be the source for F.X. O’Toole’s short story “Million Dollar Baby,” which inspired the movie of the same name that was directed by Clint Eastwood. In it, the real-life circumstances were changed to create a tragedy rather than the true tale of artistic and personal accomplishment.
Dallam did not die—or attempt suicide—as a result of her injury. Instead, she worked to re-establish her art career, which was derailed after her traumatic brain injury, slowly regaining her skills after spending six months in a coma and emerging incapacitated. Her work is a ferocious contemplation of her changed sense of self.
Schedule a tour of Access Living to view our entire art collection.